Unusual | Sleep a night in the Monts d’Azur reserve

Unusual | Sleep a night in the Monts d’Azur reserve

I’m taking you to the Côte d’Azur in France, to the Monts d’Azur reserve, to listen to the stag’s bellow, follow the tracks of European bison and Przewalski’s horses, observe birds and even the wolves that inhabit this magical place!


If I say safari, you immediately think of Africa with Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya or Namibia. It’s true that we rarely think of France, but believe me, you can come to the Côte d’Azur to observe wild animals in their natural environment, in the heart of their territory and walking through a 700-hectare reserve! The Côte d’Azur will surprise you.

In fact, I invite you to take a look at all our articles on accommodation and activities for couples, friends and families in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region:




The Monts d’Azur reserve, is the crazy project of Patrice longour. This former veterinarian and lover of Africa, where he campaigned for the preservation of the Okavongo delta in Botswana, came to settle here 10 years ago, to imagine, on the model of African reserves, a place of exceptional ecological richness to safeguard animals such as Europe’s largest mammal, the Polish bison.

All year round, people come to enjoy the great outdoors, to freely admire on foot, on snowshoes, in a horse-drawn carriage or on sleighs, the bison, Przewalski’s horses, deer, wild boar or fox. Each time with this feeling of freedom, as if this untouched nature were within reach. Above all, the magic here is the situation and setting: the reserve is located on the Côte d’Azur, near the town of Thorenc, just an hour’s drive from Nice, far from the hustle and bustle and sweltering heat. Here, unlike at Parc Alpha and its wolves, the animals are not fed, and if they’re not too shy, you can approach them from afar in a peaceful, natural setting stretching out over a large area 700 hectares. But what a place to fall in love with! So yes, it doesn’t take much for me to be ecstatic: a setting, animals, mist, shimmering colors and I’m ecstatic.

Did you know? The Monts d’Azur reserve is Europe’s first wildlife reserve, dedicated to the reintroduction of ancestral and astonishing species of flora and fauna dating back to the Neolithic period, living side by side in complete freedom!


Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Whatever the season, every one has a landscape to offer: spring is the month of births. Around March, wild boar roam the reserve, while in May fawns hide in the undergrowth and young bison gallop across the meadow! In summer, people come here to escape the heatwave in search of fresh air and a walk around the park’s ponds. In autumn (when we were there), we arrive at the mating season, the bison season ends in September just before the deer slab starts. The stags start fighting, while the hinds look on, far from frightened. First we hear the brame du mâle that echoes night and day, then in the distance, it’s a bewildering animal din with clashes, wood against wood! A first for me and I loved it.

Be aware that the best times to observe animals are at dawn or dusk. If you feel like it, get up at the crack of dawn with your camera and enter the reserve alone (with the owner’s permission) to photograph them. An unforgettable ride, but be careful not to get charged by a bison or wild boar!

A special mention for winter. I’m a big fan of snowy landscapes, the great cold and wide open spaces, so I’d love to go back to this reserve at this time, because it’s dressed in an immaculate white coat, the animals adapt their movements and behavior to the snow, and there’s a certain quietude here, I’m sure. Snowshoeing or sledding, all you can hear is the crackle of footsteps under the snow, the cold coming out of your mouth. You can contemplate animals and a different kind of landscape in complete serenity.


Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage

Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage



If you’re looking for an unusual night’s sleep, we recommend that you sleep on site, in the the Monts d’Azur nature reserve because the owner has taken care of everything for our comfort. A tasty, wholesome food made with local produce is offered to visitors, who have a breathtaking view of the wild landscape. You have two options: sleeping in a tent in an ecolodge or in a room in the villa.


  • Ecolodge accommodation resembles a large tent on stilts and plunges you into the heart of the wilderness for an exceptional experience similar to a bush camp. Here you can enjoy all your meals and dine around the barbecue. Yes, I know, it makes you dream!
  • Adventure Stay, price of one night’s half-board accommodation in an Ecolodge + 1 safari in a horse-drawn carriage, walking safari included: 130€/adult, 75€/teenagers and children from May 15 to October 31


Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage


  • The bioclimatic villa, a wellness area for nature lovers that provides maximum hotel comfort with minimal environmental impact. A unique, relaxing and natural experience!
  • Tourist Attractions Stay, price 1 night half-board at the bioclimatic villa, complimentary aperitif, safari in horse-drawn carriage, l’affut + 1 walking safari : 188€/adult, 168€/teenagers and children over 8 in September and October.


Alpes maritimes | travel advice | monts d'azur | safari | animals | mademoiselle-voyage
credit photo La reserve des Monts d’Azur


To reserve and check availability, we invite you to click on this link.


Practical information:

✖️ High Season: April, May, June, July, August, September and October

✖️ Low Season: January, February, March, November and December (Excluding weekends, school vacations and public holidays)

Just like with the wolves of the Mercantour, you can share the job and activities of a guide for a day with a very specific program. Expect to pay between €99 and €150 per person. Prices vary according to age and low or high season.

  • Visit the reserve every day from 10am to 6pm
  • Guided walking safaris |Departure 10h – 11h30 – 14h00 – 15h30 from April to October | 10h – 11h30 – 13h30 – 15h00 from November to March
  • 2-hour guided walking safaris |Departure 4 pm, May to October |Safari prohibited for children under 6.
  • Guided horse-drawn carriage safari 1h |Departure 10h – 11h – 12h – 14h – 15h – 16h
  • Guided snowshoe safari 1h30 | Safari forbidden for children under 6.
  • Guided sleigh safari 45 minutes |Departure 10h – 10h45 – 11H30 – 12h15 – 14h – 14h45 – 15h30

✖️ Safari rates: between €10 and €25, depending on age and low or high season.

✖️ Pack famille: 2 adults + 2 teenagers = 60€


Ce parc est une merveille, un projet qu’il faut absolument soutenir. La réserve des Monts d’Azur c’est le retour du sauvage en France, le seul endroit d’Europe où le bison d’Europe et le cheval de Przewalski vivent à nouveau ensemble.

Avant de partir, je vous invite à consulter tous nos articles sur les hébergements et les activités à faire en couple, entre amis ou en famille dans la région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur:



N’oubliez pas d’épingler l’article sur Pinterest pour le retrouver plus facilement 🖤


France | alpes-maritime | Mont d'azur | conseils | voyage | mademoiselle-voyage





Cet article est mon ressenti et mon expérience. Il fut possible grâce à une collaboration avec le Comité Régional du Tourisme Paca et le CRT Côte d’Azur que je remercie pour leur invitation.




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